Senin, 15 Mei 2017

Why Did You Choose Management ?

I am gita putri ramadhini student of university gunadarma faculty of economics majoring in management. Why can I choose management majors for my lectures? The first reason is because I did not qualify in the selection of state universities. At that time I followed the SNMPTN line and chose the three universities that I wanted but because it has not gone by none of my names have entered the university. Had felt disappointed and sadly afraid that later after graduating high school to continue where college. Short story after the national exam the last day I was called by the counselor BK (guidance counseling) and was told if I and some other friends received a letter of invitation from the University Gunadarma which it says that I was accepted at Gunadarma University through the invitation path because it passes in the try out Has been followed by management majors. After that I was accompanied by my mother taking care of all sorts required for admission to the university Gunadarma. That's about the first reason I can choose a management department.

The second reason why I choose management majors is because I think I will not see anymore the names of mathematical calculations because it makes me dizzy with complicated formulas. But it turns out after studying still I get a subject related to mathematics. Without us knowing it until the actual mathematics will always be used in everyday life although not using a complicated formula.

The third reason is that management has many job opportunities. Can make us as a manager or a leader in a company but must be followed by effort, intention and strong will. Teach us to take a decision rightly and correctly, not at all worthy of others. Here are three reasons why I choose management majors. Initially it was only by accident but after living it I feel comfortable and like it. I go through every lecture process happily with my friends.

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